Friday, April 30, 2010

Guys and girls please help with good and strong advice i really really need it.PLEASE.?

so a few years ago i had a friend who had this boyfriend but i never really knew him they had gone out fo 3-4 years,it wasnt till august of 07 that i met him, i went over his house to hang out with his girlfriend.i was there the whole day,but didnt talk to him.then out of no where he started txtn me.w got to know each other over a few days then he started telling me that things werent the same with his girlfriend that she had changed and all of this nonsense.then he told me they broke up, so then we started txtn alot more often,we started hanging out every other day with other friends. and i guess i fell for him. i started to like him more every day.and he liked me so he asked me out and i said yes.we started going out by the end of september(07). i didnt think it would go very far with his ex being my friend and all but it did,we didnt tell her we were going out. but he still talked to her and i guess saw her every once in a while but i didnt mine because like i said i ddnt thnk it would go far.then through out the weeks i wasnt liking these occasional phone call, and i told him to stop them he agreed but turns out he was lying this went on for a while so i made him choose between me or her. he chose me he said he loved me and he didint wanna loose i forgave him.

Later in 2008 around march or april i found out i was pregnant. things seemed fine no sighns of him talking to her we went out all the time and we had fun everywhere we went..later in july i moved in with him and his parents. but i never came out of his room because gis dad was always yelling at me and he's verry i would stay in his room cleaning it i would wash his clothes and organize his things.then he started acting different he would hide his phone he would go to hs email only while i was sleeping and he would go to work 2 hours early and come back 3 hours late..around june his ex called his parents and told them she was pregnant with his baby..i kept asking him about it but he denyed it.i tryed staying away from any negativity becaus i was pregnant i tryed not to stress so much..later in november,.she called and told me hat her baby was his and that hes been talking to her since he fond out and sh even let me listen to all these msges he left her,..listening to those msges broke me in a million pieces...that same night he admitt to it all. he got her pregnant a mnth before me. he said he ddnt mean to get her pregnant and that he did it because of some stupid little thing i had done....';i got drunk and kissed a guy'; he said that that night i got drunk i past out in his bed and while i was sleeping he went to his exs anyways we got into it and i told him i was gonna leave him and he wasnt ever gonna meet his baby but his mom asked me to stay and work things out if we really loved eachother so i stayed it took so much to forgive him but i did it..

she had her baby on december 06 and because i was so stressed out the docter had to induce labor and i had it on the 20th of the same mnth. im still living with him and i have a beautyfull baby girl. but i dnt trust him and thngs arent the same, he acts so much different but i still love him s much. he was my first real boyfriend, he was my first everything...but i dont know whwt to do should i go and loose all contact with him or should i stay and try and get over it i dont know please help me with some verry verry good advice pple...please i would really really appreciate it thank you.


P.S PLEASE NO MEAN COMMENTS OR PUT DOWNS.Guys and girls please help with good and strong advice i really really need it.PLEASE.?
sounds like he played you from day one. i know it will be hard to leave him being he was your first love and with a baby but you need to put your baby first now and think of what kind of life you and him will offer her. she will be more stable if you raise her yourself. trust is a big part in a relationship. i also think you should not have hid your relationship from your friend. i think that was mistake #1. unless he makes big changes i would leave. it's not healthy for the baby to see fighting all the time and for you to be stressed out. best of wishes for you and your baby girl!!

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